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Question marks on a notebookForest Chiropractic Wellness Centre Frequently Asked Questions

Common Answers to Questions We Hear

Like other chiropractors, at Forest Chiropractic Wellness Centre we hear many questions from new and current chiropractic clients. Below are answers to some of the most common questions we are asked.

Do you have any questions that aren’t answered here? Contact us today and let us answer all of your questions.


Can you help me?

If your goal is to correct the cause of your problem and lead a healthier and happier life, then yes, you’re in the right place. The purpose of your initial visit is to establish the cause of your problems. As your Forestville chiropractor we will let you know how we can help address those problems so that you get well.

How often do I need to come in?

Our goal is to correct your problem properly and as quickly as possible. You’ll need more frequent adjustments initially and as your spine stabilises you can spread the adjustments apart.
How much will it cost?

That depends on how much care you need. Your care recommendations are always based on two things: Your goals and your objective spinal examination findings. Because we see a lot of families under care, we have affordable prepayment plans available which will save you time and money. Once I review your findings I can prepare an appropriate care plan which outlines visit frequency, as well as the financial options and we’ll discuss that together on your second visit. In the long term, my goal is to teach you how to take better care of your health so that you can rely less on my services.

How long will it take?

Like braces for crooked teeth, this process takes time and depends on the longevity and severity of your spinal degeneration. Each adjustment builds on the previous ones to strengthen and stabilise your spine increasing your health potential. However, if left uncorrected the state of your spine and nerve system may continue to deteriorate and as a result lead to future health problems. Your personal care plan is designed to get you well as quickly as possible. It is based on factors such as your age, lifestyle, previous traumas, postural distortions, spinal range of motion, x-rays and my experience with many other cases similar to yours.

Forest Chiropractic Wellness Centre Frequently Asked Questions | (02) 9453 3233